ORDER ONLINE GLOUCEStERORDER ONLINE WAKEFIELDCONTACTTONNO wakefieldTONNO WAKEFIELD175 North avenueWakefield, Massachusetts 01880781-486-3606CONTACT Tonno WakefieldFor General inquiries Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional) @TonnoGloucesterFollow Tonno Gloucester It’s PRIME RIB NIGHT!! Every Wednesday while sup Tonno will be opening at 4pm today due to a privat You know what night it is!!! PRIME RIB NIGHT!! Com TGIF!! Start your weekend right with our mozzarell @TonnoWakefieldFollow Tonno Wakefield Our Orin Swift wine dinner is less than a month aw Happy ♥️ Day! We have White Chocolate Bread Pu Octopus ‘La Plancha’ 🧨🐙 #tonnowakefield 🚨NEW WINE DINNER ALERT🚨This time with 7 wine